Love and the human Condition

“In the Human Condition, Love is the wonderful problem we can never solve.”

“Life should be a little nuts…or it’s just a bunch of Thursdays strung together.“

No matter how young or old we are, we always look for it. We want it, crave it, must have it. It is love. And no matter how many difficult relationships or bad dates we have, we always are willing to go back and try for it one more time. Why is this? Love is what makes us cry, makes us hurt, makes us lonely and makes us miserable. It is human nature to want to love and be loved. It is part of the human condition.

Yes love is what makes us happy. Life is messy, love is messy. But it is the mess that drives us crazy and makes us happy because the mess is full of those we love. And it gives our lives purpose.  You simply cannot live a life without love. And I wonder how or why some people try. Maybe it is to keep a sterile distance from the mess of life, nut that is no life at all.

But I also wonder, with modern technology, have we lost something in the translation? To me, love is not just about those perfect moments you have with someone, but finding someone to have those moments with for life. The good, the bad and the ugly moments, the real moments. Modern technology shrinking the world has made it much easier to move onto the next if there is anything we do not like about the person next to us, or the current situation.

At some point though we must realize that no one is perfect, and no matter how wonderful someone is, we will not love – or even like – everything about them. I wonder in this and age is there really hope for long lasting relationships when there is always some type of crisis or situation that makes us think a relationship with someone is not possible. Yes, I very much believe there is still a chance, but both have to believe it, not just one.

In the old days people stuck together because the world was a lot bigger as was faith in love. Now it is smaller than ever and shrinking by the day. Now we have so many choices, we really don’t have to stick with someone or work things out to have a relationship…we can just jump to the next one…and the next one…and the next….

I want to stop jumping. I want to be still. So I will be calm and let them sit in my silence, bright as a lamp, simple as a ring. It is part of the human condition to want love…and then when we find it we have to learn how to keep it. This is why in the human condition love is the wonderful problem we can never solve. But oh, what fun we can have trying!

The New Journal

We all have those things that are just sacred to us and who we are. One of the many things I have is the fact that I have kept a handwritten journal since I was 10. Almost 30 years of my life recorded in my own handwriting. All  my thoughts, situations, happenings, hopes, dreams, heartaches, disappointments, mistakes and life, in my own words. And I have looked back and read those pages from time to time and felt pride, horror, shame, sadness, happiness and more reading about that person and that life.

And a few nights ago I started a new handwritten journal.  It is always such a great feeling to finish a journal, and and even better feeling to begin one. It was nice to finally physically close the book on the recent events, and start a fresh new book.  It seems to be in sync with my mood that this new journal is starting in the Spring, a time for new life. And as I look at the empty pages of this beautiful journal given to my by my dear sister, I am excited to find what adventures they will hold.  I look forward to watching, writing and reading how life unfolds.

I am also a bit restless. Maybe because I feel like I have been still for such a while. And I have and I have listened and the answer is to be patient. So I shall, and I will write in this new journal and fill the pages with wonderful memories of these days.

The Treadmill

The Treadmill

The treadmill and I have had a rocky relationship, I won’t lie. I frequently joke and call it the Dreadmill, because it sits in my garage taunting me. Most of the time. But recently The treadmill and I have gotten along quite well and, dare I say, even become friends. We have worked hard together over the last 6 weeks or so and now I can fit into my skinny pants.  Yes, the treadmill has been there for me, through the winters when it was too cold to run, through the rain and most often, when it is dark and just not advisable for a girl to run at night. Yes, the Treadmill has always been there for me.

And now, my poor Treadmill is sick. It’s belt is slipping and not sitting right and it started making a strange  scrapy sound when I was running on it tonight. So I adjusted the belt as I have done from time to time and the sound only got worse. And then the slipping started. And then the noise got worse.  So I stopped adjusting it for fear of adjusting it to pieces.

And the workout stopped. Yes sometimes you just don’t know the value of something until it is gone. Now, for the sake of my skinny pants, I must either fix it, find someone who can fix it or find someone with a treadmill. I prefer the latter two choices, as it seems my original adjustments only made it worse.


The Happy Hum

As I sit in my office and type, the windows open, letting in all the fresh night spring air, listening to the sound of the washing machine, I have a feeling of contentment that comes over me. It is the contentment that can only come from a happy home.

And yet there is something missing. It is not a loneliness I feel, but rather something from a deeper place.  It is the desire to share with another. I am in a good space, I have a great life but there is the desire to share it with someone and give of myself to something larger and more important than just me.  I have prayed for it and now I wait. And sometimes waiting is the hardest part of praying, because it requires patience. While I am a patient woman, it is hard for me sometimes to not just charge in and make it happen. But somethings cannot be rushed, and some things are sweeter when you have to wait for them. For it is in the waiting that we truly recognize our desire.

I want a happy home filled with a happy man and the laughter of children and friends.  Truly a home is a reflection of the warmth and love that is felt within the walls, and I want my home to be bursting with it. But I need more than just myself. And that is a lesson that has been hard for me to learn in life – I need more than just myself.

The honesty and simplicity of that statement is profound. I need others around me, to serve them, love them, to share with them, to give. I need to take care of others, and have the need for someone to take care of me as well, but only one man.  And I am ready. I am ready to be vulnerable, ready to go first, ready to put it all on the line.

And from this readiness comes a joy and Peace that I  have not felt before.  And in this sacred season of Lent, as I am still and listen, it is that answer which I hear.


Botanical Pictures

I recently took a short trip to the Botanical Gardens. The breeze was blowing through my hair (which is finally long enough for the breeze to blow through and it felt wonderful. I don’t know how someone can see flowers or even a beautiful sunset and not believe in God.

It has been a while since I have taken a lot of pictures, it has been a while since I was so inspired. But the Spring is time for flowers and beautiful days…the temperature was perfect and my camera was in focus…Enjoy!























Ragged and beautiful


















make a wish













































































Quote of the Day

“We all experience doubts and fears as we approach new challenges. The fear diminishes with the confidence that comes from experience and faith.

Sometimes you just have to go for it and see what happens. Jumping into the battle does not guarantee victory, but being afraid to try guarantees defeat.”

– Brian Goodell, Olympic Gold Medalist

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History

 Well behaved women rarely make history- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

A famous quote adored by many, myself included. To me this quote has special meaning. To me, it is more about the willingness to take chances and risks than actually misbehaving.  In order to accomplish anything, you must be willing to stand up for yourself, and confident enough to own an opportunity when it comes around. You cannot be content waiting for something to happen, you need to get on your feet and look around the corner.

Don’t be afraid to go against the odds. If I listened to the odds, or to everyone who said I couldn’t do {insert accomplishment here}, I would have never left my house. I would not be a writer, I would not be anywhere close to happy. Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe, but be prepared, doing the right thing is not always easy and sometimes it will make you unpopular. Do it anyway. Never compromise your beliefs or morals. That is very important. If you build a solid foundation, you will find a much support when you take those risks and chances.

For me this quote means making your dreams come true. Don’t settle and don’t be afraid to go after what you want. Hard work, Faith and belief in your self…and Guts is what it takes to make it. Sometimes you only get one chance and today is not a dress rehearsal. So take those chances and even if you fail, at least tried. After after all, some risks are worth are taking and some mistakes are worth making. And sometimes, they make all the difference in a life well lived.


Some have asked why I do not write about the man I am seeing. I am enjoying a wonderful romance and some things should be private. My heart is happy.

A Good Sign

I read this and it describes exactly where I am today, in this moment, in this life. Enjoy and show love blogger love for Hannah, Just Breathe…


It’s a Good Sign When…

…you start to feel the ground beneath you again, after drifting offshore for so very long.

And when you notice the time has passed, and you are glad for its passage.  Thankful, really, because each day away from that one particular day is a step in the right direction.

Or when you catch yourself in a smile that pulls from the depths of you, because you are, in that moment, truly and radiantly happy and alive and beaming—and sharing that moment with someone whose face reflects the same.

It is a good sign when you don’t ache for what you no longer have.

Rather, it is a most wonderful sign.  Because you realize all—all—that is still ahead and waiting for your arrival.

A Weekend Well Spent

There is something about a weekend that is well spent and that has been this weekend for me. There has been much Spring cleaning…dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, scrubbing, organizing, doing laundry. I even cleaned out the garage and sprayed it for spiders. That’s right, I am dangerous when it comes to those home spray kits. I finished planting the flower garden…and discovered about 20 carrots that grew better in the mild winter and Spring than when I planted them last year.

The garden was the most challenging and the most fun. I am not a gardener by nature, this is a learned talent. One I have not yet mastered. I dug the holes to plant 25 flowers in addition to what has been already planted, planted the bulbs, marked where they were, forgot to mark what they were (a detail I just realized now), fertilized, then covered everything with pine straw and watered. Now I just have to wait and see if anything grows.

In addition, I spoiled myself I a bit and cooked a wonderful meal. Sometimes you just have to cook something absolutely delicious, just for yourself, to enjoy. I usually cook for others. It was a treat. There was even TV watching (watched the Notebook and cried), going to church and hearing a great sermon, grocery shopping, writing, and a lot of singing – in the car, around the house, in the shower.
Yes a very good weekend well spent with myself. And sometimes you need those.

Spring Cleaning

There is a phenomenon going on around the nation. It is called Spring Cleaning; the ritual of cleaning out the old and stuffy, airing out what became stale over the winter, to be replaced by clean, new and fresh. Why does this take place?  I don’t know. Maybe it is attached to a long ago instinct to nest for the upcoming life Spring promises, maybe it is just because we are restless and have a bit of Spring Fever. Or maybe it’s just an excuse to go shopping and clean out the garage. Whatever reason, it certainly is the season.

And as I clean, dust, vacuum, map, straighten and organize, I also take stock. I take stock in my home , my life, and my purpose. My home would be called humble by many standards. A small but mostly tidy town-home, with enough room for all my clothes, an office, and a  my nephew’s room. But more than the space, or even the contents of my home, are the wonderful memories that live here too. The home is actually owned by one of my best friends, and I spent many nights here before moving in. Much laughter, tears, game watching, movie watching, drunk nights (her boyfriend was a great bartender) and more have been here. Memories in every room, both with family and friends. There isn’t a single corner of this home that I do love.

My life is great right now. I have everything I have wanted in this  moment. There are many more things to accomplish, career and personal things, but my life is thus far, fulfilled. I am a whole person, with a whole heart. I have great friends, a wonderful family, I have a career I love where the possibilities are endless and budding relationship with an amazing man.  My life,  my heart, has the capacity to hold much more, because of what I have let go. And in that letting go, I have found my life, returned to me, even brighter than it was before.

A good friend once told me that your purpose is very different from your career. My purpose is, and has always has been, to help and council others. To give of myself and serve. I have served my family well, as I have taken care of  my nephew when he needed me, and my parents this summer when my father had cancer and was getting treatments. I have prayed that I have something larger than myself  in which to give and build. Something more important than just me. I have a suspicion that I have been given that chance to serve. And now I pray for guidance that I serve well, if that is they way God has chosen the answer to manifest. And I am thankful.

This year Spring Cleaning means much more than just dusting off and freshening up. It is the realization that the life I have built thus far is a good one. There have been trails and hard times along the way, and no promises of what may lie ahead, but I have Faith and Hope that everything good is close at hand. And I am excited, for the first time in a long time, for what may be around the corner, at seeing how life will take shape. Family, friends, career, love and life, are all good right now in the sweet moment of Spring.

The Best Quote


I believe in pink, I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, in kissing a lot, I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong, I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls, I believe tomorrow is another day and I believe in MIRACLES. – Audrey Hepburn

Get the Neg Out

It happened about 5 months ago, maybe 6. I started looking at the kinds of people I had in my life, and I was really not happy with what I saw.  Many of the people in my life were what I call ‘Paper people’. Paper people look good on paper, they have good steady jobs, they know all the right people, go to all the right places…but they are thin as paper too and have no depth. Suddenly I realized I was in the shallow end of pool as far as friends go, and that was not where I wanted to be. I really did some thinking, contemplated on what my values meant to me and how those values translated into friendships.

These shallow people, I discovered, valued gossip and being the first to have the inside scoop on a good story more than they did things like loyalty and integrity. So I slashed, slashed, slashed. I cut about 75% of my friends off. If they were negative, they got cut. If they were gossipy, they got cut, if they did not have the same values and views on life as I did, they got cut. I became rather judgmental and very picky.

And I have never been happier. What did I learn? That there is nothing wrong with being extremely picky with who you let into your life. When you let people with inferior standards in your inner circle, you pretty much let in the trash and leave yourself open for unnecessary drama and pain. When you get these people out of your life it makes space for wonderful, positive things.

And that is where I am now.  The people in my life are rock solid. And when you have people with solid values in your life, you have a much better chance of being happy, at least I think. So don’t be afraid to be picky, very picky. Because with any luck, your friends and your significant other are the people who will be in your life for a very long time.

Shameless Promotion

Writing runs in my family and I am going to do a bit of shameless promotion. My mother wrote a children’s book in 2009 called My Name is Bobby Claus. It is a wonderful story of God, Faith and how sometimes He uses unlikely angels to change lives.

We are a strong Christian family and my mother was looking for a great way to explain how Jesus died and was brought back to life. What evolved was actually a wonderful Christmas story that will make you laugh and cry. It is  truly more than a childrens book, it is a story people seem to just fall in love with, from ages 4 to 88.

My mother had been telling this story to the boys for years, and we begged her publish it. After she survived stage 4+ Ovarian caner (by the Grace and Miracle of God), she finally did. A labor of Love.

My Name is Bobby Claus

I am not only so proud of her for this wonderful story, but proud of the person she is, proud of the Christian values she taught me, leading by example. Both my parents lead by example when teaching their children about honesty, integrity, character, morals, how two people in love should treat each other.

The Beautiful Unexpected, Baggage and Reunions

Sometimes the most wonderful things happen when we least expect them. It could be running into an old friend, finding a great pair of shoes on sale, or even finding someone really special. That is the wonderful thing about life, there is beauty in the unexpected. And maybe that is part of God’s plan, to keep us on our toes and make us smile.

I think it is a particularly sweet  gift when we find that beautiful unexpected thing. We work so hard in our lives, between work, family, and just life, that to have that gift come out of the blue is extra special.


Baggage. The word has such a negative connotation, especially when it comes to relationships.  But when is baggage not really baggage? Many times I think. The fact is is that life happens, and most of the time it’s not baggage, it’s just life. We all have issues, we all get scared, we all have bad days and bad times. Because we all have had, by the time you reach a certain age, relationships and marriages, family issues, made mistakes and been embarrassed. Life is messy and you cannot live life and never have any bad experiences, or failures, or issues. And no man is an island.

So maybe instead of seeing it as a negative, maybe it is better to look at it as a life well lived. Live life the best way you can, be the best person you can, and claim your baggage. Because maybe it tells more positive things about you then you would ever think.


Summer is coming and it is the season for family reunions, mine family being no exception. We usually have 2 reunions a year, one for my father’s siblings, and then one for the siblings and cousins. This year is going to huge. It is coming in May and there will be many more cousins than every before.

This past year, my family lost two very much loved uncles. And in celebrating them, our family has expended to their families too. We just did not want funerals to be the only time we saw each other.

My family usually hosts the reunions, and they enjoy it so much. This year will be so very special as so many will be attending, and it will truly be a celebration and salute to those wonderful people we lost last year. What better way to honor them, than to celebrate that which truly made them the happiest – family?


How To Edit a Followers’ Comment on WordPress

How To Edit a Followers’ Comment on WordPress

  1. Go to your blog’s dashboard.
  2. Click on Comments button under the discussion section in the left hand column of the screen. This will take you to the comments section of the dashboard. All comments that have been posted on your blog are stored and can be accessed here.
  3. Click  on the Edit button, which is the fourth button from the left. The menu will appear when you scroll over the bottom section of the comment.
  4. Edit the comment as needed. You can delete text, add text, change the name/user on the comment, add links, add quotes, add code (especially useful for those who know a lot of about IT), even change the date and time the comment was submitted.
  5. When done changing comment, click Update in the right hand corner.

This feature allows the administrators of the blog to completely change any comment anyone posts on the blog. An administrator could even make it look like another person posted the comment, completely erasing the original comment and changing the commentators name and email address. The only thing needed to make said change is knowing the information of the user you would like to make it look like left the comment.

What does this mean in layman’s terms? You can make it look like anyone you want commented on your blog and make it look like they said anything you wanted them to say.

This concludes the How To tutorial on WordPress. There will be a quiz later.




The Garden in Spring

There is something about planting a garden, watching the seeds grow and develop into living things, something spiritual almost.  It has been a while since I planted a garden.Since I tilled the soil to make it soft so that the seeds can push through to the vital sunlight. It has been a while since I had dirt under my nails and planted.

My mother has always had plants and a garden. I think she actually has a green arm, forget the thumb. If it’s green, it grows for her. I am not quite as good with plants, so I have to work a little bit harder. But there is something so grounding about a garden – literally. I feel calm and centered as I plants the seeds that will grow into wonderful beautiful flowers reaching for the sun.  I plan where the flowers should go in my little garden, arranged by color and size. I consider how they will all look in their places and I am pleased at what I imagine in my minds eye.

Then there is the care and the nurturing. They must be watered almost every day. And there should be fertilizers applied to help them grow. I must take care to weed the garden to and make sure the seeds are not crowded out by unwanted pests.

Gardening is not for the faint of heart, that is for sure. Much time, patience and care is needed for it to be successful.  And isn’t that how it is in real life? You plant a seed, you nurture it and watch it grow?  And oh, is it worth it! For when it is done, there is a beautiful garden rich with plush color and life for many to enjoy.


So Many Miracles

The Frozen Planet is a new series on the Discovery Channel that is amazing. The crew risked their lives to get many of the shots and it shows.  And as I sat and watched, mesmerized by what I saw on the screen, I thought about how amazing and intricate life truly is. I knew that already, and then watching that show, I was reminded.

There are so many miracles around us every day. A flower blooming, a beautiful sunset, the ocean, a child laughing, a snowflake, the human brain, love and  everything science cannot explain. There have been amazing miracles in life. I think about both my parents surviving incurable cancers, me surviving that car accident 12 years ago and the more recent attack, My oldest nephew being born despite all the complications.

Yes, life is intricate, amazing and beautiful. No matter what kind of day I have had, I can think about the miracles in  my life, and feel much better. I can look out at the world in Spring, and see those miracles all around (and the pollen on my car). I am a blessed and happy girl.

Happy girls and the prettiest girls. – Audrey Hepburn


You Had Me at Hello

“Heart beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I’m afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow?” Christina Perri, A Thousand years (song)

Love at first sight.  That moment when we meet someone and our world is never the same. We have heard about love at first sight, we have seen in in movies, read about it in books, maybe even known a friend of a friend of a friend who knew someone who it happened to, maybe. But it doesn’t happen in real life, right? There is an order to love, a scientific formula as to how it happens, right? It makes no sense that you would fall in love like that.

When has love ever made sense? When has anyone been able to predict or measure how love moves? I believe love at first sight, but I think it is very rare. And when it does happen, it is very scary, actually it can be downright terrifying.  And suddenly, that which we prayed to find, that which we seek, is that which we try to outrun. Our fears of being hurt, hurting another, trusting, being vulnerable come to the surface. We try to rationalize it – it makes no sense to feel this way so soon, so fast. I wasn’t looking for this, I don’t need it, this can’t be good. Oh, but what if?  What if it really is…love?

It is an irresistible force, love. Love is a gift. And what happens when we try to outrun it is that it ends up surrounding us anyway. Yes Love is a cheeky little bastard. So what do we do about it? There really is nothing that can be done. And just because it’s love doesn’t mean it is going to be easy. Love is very often, inconvenient; it comes when we least expect it and when we are not looking. There are other facets of life that must be considered. But with a little bit of work, some trust and a lot of Faith, those things will fall into place. You work around life, other commitments and schedules. You take each other however you can, whether a quick phone call, a cup of coffee, a late night glass of wine or emails and texts. And you figure it out, slowly.  Even with love at first sight, you don’t have to have all the answers right away, there is plenty of time. A lifetime of time.

You move carefully. You will make mistakes and so will the other person, but that is OK. You don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to get everything right. You treat it gently, recognize it as being sacred. You respect it, nurture it, be devoted and kind to it. And you pray and you trust. And you communicate and you give the benefit of the doubt. You navigate through the waters together. And along the way you laugh, you cry, you have the adventure of a lifetime. And you do the scariest thing of all – you fall.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don’t be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I’ll love you for a thousand more

And you fall…

Afghan Killings Suspect

He was arrested in 2002 for assaulting his then girlfriend, had money problems including a house being foreclosed on and had been on multiple tours in the middle East. this man has the same profile as my crazy ex, who I know is more than capable of killing…Too many similarities for comfort….

The Origins of Compassion

We all have things in which we wonder. We all have questions to which we seek answers. One of those questions for me is what is the origin of compassion? From where does it come? Where is that spark first ignited? Compassion literally means come with passion. But it is much more than just that. It is to share suffering and feeling the pain with someone, to share the vulnerability of being known. And yet it is more than a necessity, in my opinion, it is survival. We must have compassion for those around us. We must take care of those we love and be there for them, serve them, with compassion.

When it comes to compassion, and just in general, you can’t force the heart. You either feel it or you don’t. You cannot press a bottom and make it appear. Genuine compassion cannot be composed. And true compassion is a hard thing, especially when we are tired or worn out ourselves and feel like we have nothing to give. So from where does compassion begin? And why is it that some are much more compassionate than others?

I don’t know why others seem to be born with more compassion than others, but I do have a theory of how it starts otherwise. I think that living life and going through struggles of our own gives us compassion for others. God takes us through the journey of our life, gives us these experiences, so that we might understand and be compassionate to those around us. The struggles we experience strip us down until there is nothing left, no ego, no pride, no superficiality, just our true selves at the core. This experience, this vulnerability, gives is the birth of compassion.

We are often like wet cement, and the events of life mold us to be the people we are supposed to become. You follow a journey that transforms your heart to compassionate space. It is a process. As we go through life , the hard times and experiences we have carve out deep spaces within us. And each time we hurt, we hurt a little deeper, so that each time we feel joy or love, we feel it deeper too. Our emotions fill up those spaces from the depths of our soul outward.

I also think a little time alone helps develop compassion. Solitude often lets us get back to our true authentic selves by getting us away from the noise of outside distractions. We prioritize, contemplate and listen deep. Once we get rid of distractions, we are able to sit still and listen, to ourselves, to God, to the hum of the inner Divine – that part of ourselves in which God truly lives. Some call it the soul, some call it the inner self. Regardless of the name, I think this is where compassion lives

I also think compassion is God’s gift to the Human race. To have the ability to share and lighten the load, to be a shoulder. Compassion can help heal a broken soul, sooth a hurt, fix a bad day or make someone smile. Every day I strive to be a better more compassionate person. And hopefully I succeed a little more every day too. And maybe if we all try a little every day, we can make the world just a little better every day. Sound corny? Just try it…

Great Day and Company

There are days that just make you thankful you are alive. Today was one of those days. The sun was shining, tempatures warm and life is just good.

Sometimes you just need to relax and get away for a bit to really gain a little perspective. Sometimes you need a bit of space to see the good stuff. And I am thankful for this time.


Tomorrow is going to be a fun day. I have company coming. There are people who are great friends and no matter how much time has passed since you last saw each other, you pick up right where you left off.

It will be fun to talk, catch up, laugh and play. Friends who are loyal, hones.t, kind and wonderful. They cannot be replaced. I am a happy girl with a great life. And for that I am thankful.

The Courage of Prayer

“You must pray and have the courage to ask God for what you want and need, then have the faith to know that God’s answer will be what is best.”

I was talking to a friend about faith and praying. I confided in her that I prayed for whatever He deemed best to happen. I did not really pray for what I wanted, because who knew if that was Gods Will? She looked at me very serious and said the quote above. She explained to me that to not ask God for what we want, then have Faith that what happens is what must be, is a lack of faith.

The starkness of the statement startled me. I had always considered myself a faithful person, so hearing that stung. But she was right. Just as children go to their parents and ask, so should we of God. And just like that child knows their parents love them regardless of the answer, so we should know too of God.

My prayers changed ever since that day and conversation. In addition to my regular prayers, I add a few at the end, just for me. And then I trust, have faith and wait. His answers always come.

Timing and Patience

They say life is just a matter of timing. And maybe so many times in life it is. How many people have said they were just at the right place at the right time, or the wrong place at the wrong time? I wonder sometimes, how different my life would be if I weren’t always running 10 minutes late. Who would I have met in the elevator, what different opportunities would have been presented or did things work out just like they should?

And what about timing in matters of the heart? So much depends on timing in relationships. Meeting the right person at the right time for both involved. Both being in the right frame of mind and space in life to be ready. What if the timing is off? Well, then you just have to be patient and wait. Oh, but that is the hardest part isn’t it? I believe if two people make enough of an impression on each other, even if the timing is a bit off the first time, they will still come around again. They will not forget about each other, at least I hope. Especially in cases with a lot of…electricity. That kind of spark doesn’t happen often, so you bet those two will remember each other. I know I would.

And sometimes the other person just needs a bit of time to get things in place, whether it is solidifying family ties, or making sure they are ready for something that could possibly be completely, intoxicatingly wonderful. Family must always come first, and a man who has his priorities in place and takes care of his family is worth waiting for.  That kind of man inspires respect and admiration. As does the girl who makes sure she is ready for such a relationship. So you wait, and pray, and have faith that it will all work out.

Patience and timing go hand in hand, in life but especially in matters of the heart. Because some people are unforgettable, and some possibilities are more than worth the time it takes. What needs, wants and desires are there will last. And when those two come back together, they will see that absence does make the heart grow fonder.

How Do you Do It?

When it’s dark, God has us in the rock’s cleft, covered us with His Hand. Dark may be the holiest ground: God’s passing by. – One Thousand Gifts

Someone asked me not so long ago how I did it. Do what, I asked back. “How do you keep going and stay positive during such a hard time?”

The question caught me off guard and stopped me in my tracks. I hadn’t thought about it and the answer that first sprung to mind was not very inspiring – I don’t know was my first thought. But upon further consideration, I knew the answer. I am not always positive and I don’t always want to keep going. There, the secret is out. During hard times, it is easy to get discouraged, to wonder, to be frustrated. It is easy to feel lost.

Feeling lost is very terrible, and lonely. Yet we all feel that was at some point in our lives. And many things could be the cause, but it is how to get through those times that is so vexing. And I surely have spent my time crying, well sobbing actually, curled up hugging a pillow, questioning what I should do next. How to do it, if I can do it, if I want to. I have had conversations with, even yelled at God. Some people may see that as a bad thing, but if you are going to be mad or question, do it with God because he can take it. In His infinite compassion, He knows we are only human.

I have expressed my frustration over situations, my exasperation and utter weariness over others. We are human, and therefor, we will have a bad day, or week, or month even. Sometimes that is just life. But what gets you through it? Faith and pure stubbornness. I have faith that God is with me and I am far too stubborn to let whatever situation get the best of me.

And what is very easy to forget is that sometimes those bad times and rough spots are just what is needed to bring about change that is also much needed. When you are lost and in a fog, it is easy to forget. But if we have faith, and move slow, when the fog lifts we are oftentimes right where we need to be.

Another thing that helps is the realization that whatever is going on, is only temporary. It won’t be like this in 10 years, 5 years, 1 year, maybe even 6 months. So all you have to do, is hang on and make it just a little bit longer. That thought has always been of great comfort me to me as well.

Most see the dark times as well, bad. But darkness can actually be good, as it is a time of transition. But change rarely happens easily, so the transition may be a little bumpy. But that is the time that I feel God the closest. There are plenty of times that I have bad days, that I cry, feel sad or depressed when going thorough a rough spot. But those times are not for the public, even with as much as i put on this blog, it is only ever a fraction of what is going on in my life.

To me, the strength does not come from not ever having a bad day or getting discouraged, it is from having all those human doubts and fears…and putting one step in front of the other anyway. Perseverance, faith, and the knowledge that you are not alone in this temporary situation. And that is the answer to the question.

Day Thoughts

In life, there are so many small wonderful moments that we should take the time to just enjoy. To allow ourselves the luxury of that moment is good for the soul. It can make a dreary day good, a cold morning warmer and a stressful time better.

The weather often has an affect on me. This morning it was chilly and rainy, which made it hard to get out of bed. My big, warm, wonderful bed. And as I laid there, diagonally, I snuggled back down into the soft covers and listened to the rain on the window. And I smiled. My two cats and me, cozy in the bed on a cool spring morning. Sometimes not getting up early is completely worth it.

And then, later in the day, it was sunny and warm. I ran errands with the windows down, and Def Leppard loud on the radio. Tomorrow it will be even warmer. I will make every excuse to be outside, with no shoes.

So take the time to not only notice, but celebrate those little moments. It is more than smelling the roses, it is truly learning how to live.