One New Thing A Week

OK, I am inspired by the post from a fellow blogger:

In this Post she writes about trying one new thing a week…52 new things in one year. One, I am excited about this idea!  And it is so perfect for my very adventurous and wanderlusty spirit…Except where to start? So this is where I need your help. Please give me ideas of new things to try this year. It could be anything, new foods, new places, new…whatever. I am a creative person, but 52 things is a lot for one person to think up.  Leave a comment, or if you prefer privacy, email

Some new things I am looking to do this year already:

  • Go ziplining
  • learn new recipes to cook (suggestions welcome)
  • Get certified for diving
  • Go in a hot air balloon
  • go sky diving
  • Travel to Belize, Dubai and any other place I have not been
  • take my family on vacation (am working on that one now)
  • go to hot yoga classes
  • go to a spin class
  • Start writing fiction (this one is a bit scary, as even though I am a writer I have never done this)
  • take horseback riding lessons

And any other suggestions that might sound like fun….


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You Have Got to be Crazy. No You Are Perfect

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with you own common sense.” – Buddah

Ever since  I was a little girl, mother always told me, follow what you believe to be right, follow your gut, and don’t worry  about what other people say or think. This is, without a doubt, the best advice I have ever been given.

Through life, I have beat my own drum and stood up for what I believed to be right, For me and my life.  Always listen to that inner voice – for your guts will never lead you wrong. Follow your own truth. But be prepared – you will be criticized.

Barbara Steistand did it when she invested everything  she had in Funny Girl, so did Steven Speilberg with Star Wars. Everyone, including Steve Jobs, thought Bill Gates was called crazy, and also Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. Einstein was called crazy and stupid for his equations, as was Sir Isaac Newton and even Darwin. So was Walt Disney. They all had one thing in common though: the unshakeable belief, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they could beat the odds by beating their own drum. And the risks everyone thought they were taking? Well are they really risks if you know the odds are more than in your favor?   Have to say, if I am a crazy person, lumped in with crazy losers like them, I am OK with that.

I have been called crazy for quitting  my job in Columbus, Ga and moving to Atlanta, been called crazy for thinking I could make it in radio (did that successfully for 15 years), called crazy for quitting the wonderful world of finance to pursue my dream of writing….and I have been called crazy more times than I can count for the things I have written.  Some have said very harsh things about me.  And that is Ok.

Because I am happy. I have a wonderful family, a great relatioship with BOTH my mother and my father, I have a wonderful man in my life, who treats me like a queen, I have a wonderful lucerative, succesful career as a writer that is very fulfilling, and amazing friends who love and support me. Those people who criticize me? Not so much….

So if you ever start doubting yourself, and wondering if what you are doing, the drum you are beating, is the right one, take a look at how happy you are. Compare that with how happy they are. Those people who criticize you (or me) – Who are they that their opinion matters?   And I will never criticize them, because I am too busy living a great life. Let’s face it, if I listened to everything people said I couldn’t do, I would have never gotten up out of bed. Just put on your blinders, focus in on what you want, the life you want to have, the goals you want to reach, and reach them. You can, because this is your life and you can do whatever you want. It’s not about them, It’s about you.

When it comes to following your dreams, your gut, your heart, don’t worry about what someone else thinks. While they are talking trash about you to others, you are skipping along living your happy wonderful life. And they…well, if you are the best thing they have to talk about, then that speaks volumes. This is your life. It’s not about them. It’s about you. Never forget that. And never for get who. You. Are.

Stay grounded as a person, as yourself, follow your gut, and you will never go wrong. And if you let the negative things negative people say about you…then let it motivate and inspire you to proove them wrong. All those people who say I am crazy for writing? Or what I write about? Do they have a book that is being published is the spring? No? No. And I do not say that to be cruel, not at all. Just to make the point that I am living my dream, and if they want to call me crazy for it, then they not only have my permission, but my blessing as well.

So follow your own path, your own dreams, your thoughts, your own truth, and let the chips, and opinions fall where they may. Break the rules, challenge thoughts, do it your own way, speak your own truth and don’t be afraid. Those who truly know you will know the truth, and those who don’t…well, you’ll be too busy being happy to worry about them, or what they think. Because you, and your drum, and your beat, are perfect.

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