Live Life with a Purpose

I saw this and had to share it. He says many things that I have been taught and grew up hearing from  my parents. “I know who I am and I know what I believe….”  Enjoy!!

Simple Happiness

First let me just say that I need to start thinking of better, zippier headlines. I am looking around at other blogs and they have all these great, eye catching, interesting, chuckle inspiring titles. And mine are…kind of boring actually.  But the content is great. 🙂 Like this post for example…Simple Little Things? Really? Let’s work on that….

  1. One Simple Thing in the Hand is Worth Two Large things in the Bush – …Hmmm, too….confusing. And not quite sure, but think it sounds a bit dirty…
  2. Less is More – …Hmm, not white what I am going for
  3. The Quick Brown Fox jumped Over the Lazy Dog – Well, it’s cute.
  4. Gauranteed Satisfaction! – again, not quite sure that is the audience I am going for…
  5. How to Get More Out of Life – Kind of reads like an instruction manual
  6. How a Sunset, Your Favorite Song and a Smile Can Make Your Day – too long…
  7. Be Happier Now! – Sounds like an infomercial
  8. Live, Laugh, Love all the Little Things in Life – Closer….
  9. Gratitude 10: Grouchy 0 – Close, but not sure it is zippy enough
  10. Don’t Let the Grinch Steal Happiness – what???
  11. Grinchy vs Gratitude – Hmmmm…
  12. Your suggestions!! – Yes, I could use some help!

Now, on with the actual blog…

We all have them, our favorite things. It could be a pair of warm slippers, a glass of wine, our favorite song on the radio, or a thousand other wonderful. little, perfect things that we just Love (with a capital L). These are the things that make us happy, make us smile, giggle, get that warm feeling, give us peace and contentment or maybe even excitement. I have long had a theory about these simple little favorite things: The big things don’t come around that often, so if we appreciate all the little wonderful things and moments around us, we can find happiness in the every day.

Like today for instance. It is just a Thursday, nothing big or fantastic going on, yet I have had a wonderful day so far. This morning I allowed myself to really take advantage of the snooze button (yes, I was a complete Snooze Junkie, and loved every bit of it). Then when I got up, one of my favorite songs was playing on the radio. I was able to get into my favorite pair of pants (yay!) and traffic was super light on the way to work.

Speaking of work, it has gone very smoothly with no issues on the projects I am working on. Lunch consisted of a delicious and messy cheeseburger (I have a theory on messy things too, but that is for another blog). And  as I walked outside to my car I felt the cold air hit my face and it was refreshing. The sun was out, which is a nice break from the rain we have been getting the last two days. I stood their for a moment and just enjoyed the contrasting feelings of the sun’s warmth and the cold breeze blowing on my face. It was a delicious combination.   And now, taking a moment for writing as I need a break.

If we take a moment, just a moment to stop and notice, and fully experience those little moments of our favorite things, life is a much happier, much more colorful place. For me it also makes me accutely aware of all the miracles and wonderment in the world, and how it is all connected somehow. It is almost a spiritual experience as I can almost feel the very vibration of life, if I concentrate hard enough. Tonight I hope to continue with my favorite things: Good music, some wine, cooking a good meal, my lover’s voice, my couch, my favorite TV show. Yes, Life is good. Have fun  finding those wonderful, delightful, delicious moments in your life. And when you find them, savor them, drink them in, get drunk off of them…and truly live in that moment.  Have a love affair with that moment. Sounds cheesy? Try it. You will be addicted…

The Healing Beauty of Men

Tonight I went for a massage. Originally I did this once a month as a treat for myself, but now I do it to keep my neck and back from hurting so badly as neither one has been the same since the attack.And as I lay on the table, my wonderful male massage therapist working his magic rubbing the toxins, stiffness and soreness out of my back and neck area, I was very comfortable with his hands around me. And my mind wondered to far off places as he healed my body with his hands.

Recently someone told me that they were surprised that I was not bitter and distrustful of all men, since the attack. They said that being distrustful was a normal reaction to the brutal violence I had experienced, but that I seemed to have no problem trusting others, even men. But to me I seems like common sense – if that kind of violence was normal in men, I would have seen it before now, at 38. Common sense would tell you that is my ex, not all  men.

Most men, I believe are truly wonderful. And they have been very good to me. I think of my father, most ex boyfriends, my current boyfriend, my doctors who have taken such good care of me, my massage therapist in that session. All of them have healed me in one way or another.

Men were given superior strength to protect and heal, not to abuse or destroy. And men are truly wonderful, fantastic, amazing creatures, who make our lives, and the earth a better place. I know my ex does not represent even .5% of who and what is out there, and that is a healing thought in itsself.

So here is to the good guys…thank you and yes, the nice guys do finish first. 🙂