
In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. – Deepak Chopra

I saw this posted on a friends Linkedin Profile and it reached me deeply. The only thing I have ever known to do, is to move forward. But can we move forward while being still? I think so. You put one foot in front of the other and take Baby steps while keeping a still frame of mind. And you listen, deep, to what that voice is telling you, what God and your conscience are telling you. And you move forward in that stillness.

I hope to stop jumping, I hope to be still. One thing that I am proud of is even when life has been upsetting, it has not disturbed my Peace. And when you have that Peace, no matter how much pain of confusion is around, you are always grounded and will not loose your way. For this I am thankful. This has not always been the case and I have worked very hard to be in this place. That which brings you Peace, will bring you happiness.

You Pray, you focus, you enjoy the moments before you…and you take baby steps. And before you know it, those baby steps have taken you across miles of road, and you look up and see how far you have come.

Already life moves forward. I have my company arriving tomorrow and am happy for it.  I am also looking forward to having someone to help with some house projects.  There is a toilet which is running and I am told it is easy to fix…but I have no idea how to do it. I have a huge dart board that I need help hanging in my office. The big flat screen TV needs to have the wall mount installed, and I can’t do that by myself either. Then there is the surround sound system I have no idea how to install. Company, help with house projects, even sharing with cooking and the timing is perfect.

Yes, this is a time of Peace, it is Spring, the garden will have flowers blooming soon, my parents are healthy after a scare, I have the best friends in the world and I am blessed. And I wrap these blessing around me like a warm blanket, and I am still.

Where Does it Hurt?

I’m not what you call sentimental, I throw the past out with the trash!  Oh yes!   This is my favorite local talent…great voice, great show. Seeing them next time she plays.

And it makes you wonder…what would happen if God started drinking?

and THIS is how you do Summertime…you can feel the humidity…

Recording Music

This week is new, new start, new goals, new possibilities. And there are plenty around. After a much needed weekend around my wonderful and close knit family, I feel much better. This week I will start recording music. Funny that I have been around musicians all my life ( I LOVE musicians, love, love, love), I have produced music, commercials, and just about everything else, I have been on screen, on TV, on the radio…but I have never recorded any music myself. That is about to change. And it is exciting.

I am shy, but I will post some recordings on here…maybe…


My book is complete – finally. I want to give it to 7 women and 5 men to read and give me feedback. People have read snippets, but I want to give the whole book to them and see what they think and say. Now, I jus thave to figure out who those people are…


In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. – Deepak Chopra

I saw this posted on a friends Linkedin Profile and it reached me deeply. The only thing I have ever known to do, is to move forward. But can we move forward while being still? I think so. You put one foot in front of the other and take Baby steps while keeping a still frame of mind. And you listen, deep, to what that voice is telling you, what God and your conscience are telling you. And you move forward in that stillness.

I hope to stop jumping, I hope to be still. One thing that I am proud of is that the recent events of my personal life, while they have been painful and upsetting, they have not disturbed my Peace. And when you have that Peace, no matter how much pain of confusion is around you or even in you, you are always grounded and will not loose your way. For this I am thankful.


Easter Reajustments

Easter has always been a very spiritual time and this year was no exception. We were all tired from a very hard emotional week and all of us rested, talked, cried, cooked, laughed, ate and celebrated together. Pictures were taken, little chicken peeps were held, eggs were gathered, neighbors were welcomed. Normally the family gets up early for the Sunrise Easter Service, but this year we worshiped by being thankful for everyone being present and alive. This Easter was Sacred. Hugs were held just a little longer, and no chance to say I love you was passed up.

And as I watched the love and affection that flows so easily from my parents, I looked down on their wedding band on my finger. I am blessed to have such an example of love and family. And I want to pass that on to my children. I also took stock in my life and the recent events that played out. I am not going to date for a while…my poor heart needs a break. And I should not bring issues into the next relationships from the last. Also, I want a man who wants a family, because I want a family. He could already have children, we could have children or a combination of both, but this is what I want. And it is not a biological clock thing, it is a finally, I am ready to share my life and build something more thing. But first my heart needs rest.

So for the next while I will focus on love of a different kind – love of Friends, love of Family, love of God and love of Faith.

Yes, sometimes life gives you curve balls, and you must re adjust. You may cry, vent, talk, write, whatever to get it out of your system, but in the end, you calm down and readjust. You Pray, you focus, you enjoy the moments before you…and you take baby steps. And before you know it, those baby steps have taken you across miles of road, and you look up and see how far you have come. I look forward to that day.