Be Strong in Joy

“Be strong, Ada. I have tremendous respect for you as one of the most deeply honest and loving people I have ever met. I know those traits, and a few well-chosen friends, will lead you back to joy soon enough.”

I received this message not quite 3 years ago from someone I had not heard from in a very long time. This person could always read my mood and what kind of day I had within 3 seconds of seeing me.

And at the time I read the message, I cried. Because it was such a beautiful message of encouragement and hope.

And finally, the joy is here, not just over the horizon or around the corner, but at my feet, close enough to touch. I can see it, smell it, feel it, taste it. After hundreds of prayers, thousands of baby steps and millions of heart beats, I feel joy bubbling up from every part of me. There is still a lot of work to be done, but it is all so close.

This fresh start, this new beginning, this new hope.  I am excited. The world is brimming with possibilities and joy.  Every day more prayers are answers.

So thank you for that message, friend. And you were right. While life isn’t perfect, it is joyful. And it is getting better every minute.

“I have a heart full of deep contentment, and joy. So much joy. I get to have this and I get to enjoy it.”

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