
Re-examine all you have been told. Dismiss what insults your soul – Walt Whitman

We often hear the phrase live life to the fullest. And many of us, myself included, strive to do just that. But what exactly does living life to the fullest mean? And how does one go about doing it? We know we should do it, but no one tells you exactly how.

For me it is a combination of things that allow me to live my life to the fullest extent. First living in that moment and fully experiencing all it has to offer is key. In order to do that you have to give up your need for control. If you are constantly in control you cannot enjoy any moment because…you are too busy controlling it. Breath, let go and just enjoy.

Giving up your need to be right goes hand in hand with control. When you give up your need to be right you can enjoy others around you without care to the ego. Just smile and have a good time. Relax.

Always be curious. Engaged the people around you and k now that you are not the center of the universe. Truly be interested in them and their stories. People are the spice of life and enrich our lives and experiences immeasurably.

Take your time. There is no rush in life so take your tine to notice small details and savor those perfect moments when you can. Not only will you enjoy yourself so much more then you don’t rush through life, but you also make some wonderful memories. Soak up all those wonderful rich details like a sponge.

Take chances. They don’t have to be crazy chances with high risks, but take a leap of faith every now and then. Step out of yourself and your comfort zone. You learn and experience new things and broaden your horizons. Even if you make a few mistakes, you tried and celebrated the fact that you ar alive. This espcailly comes to love, of all kinds. Never pass up a chance to love someone, whether in romance, friendship or just as another human. Living a life with love takes everything to a much deeper level.

And the most important thing to enjoying life to the fullest, at least in my humble opinion, is this: To thine own self be true. When you are true to yourself, there is an ease with which you move through life. This is because you cannot mislead others if you do not mislead yourself. Follow your own heart, your own conscience, your won soul, your own truth. The rest will fall into place, including happiness and Peace. And a clear conscience makes for mighty good sleep.

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